Thursday, December 6, 2012

" White Out" photography by Richard Schemmerer

" White Out"

Bleached Manipulations


by Richard Schemmerer

Often we see what we don't see. What I mean by that is we see a realty that is translated for us by our brain to be easier understood and maneuvered in.

The real world is not static. Everything is vibration, in constant movement and flux, in a process of decay and rebirth, in a suspended state of absorption and consumption.

We breath in this world with every wakening hour. After death we become the substance of the new light reflecting in the tiniest particles visible and invisible.

plate 01

plate 02

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plate 13

"Who shot the rodeo clown" photography by Richard Schemmerer

"Who shot the rodeo clown" photography by Richard Schemmerer

Myth and showmanship meets every year in Pendelton. Testosterone levels are at a feverish pitch as men in chaps strut their beef past hungry eyes. A rodeo is a reenactment of a vital part of the American History that is now basically extinct.

Our roots serve us to remember that time will change no matter what and that what was once necessary is now outmoded. Masculinity issues have found new playgrounds on sports fields.

Nevertheless as the rodeo proofs some instincts never die in us and need to be reaffirmed and proofed as correct at least once a year.

limited edition prints available at

image 01

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image 07

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

" New Faces for an old world" photography by Richard Schemmerer

"The New Faces for an old world"

untitled 01

untitled 02

untitled 03

untitled 04

untitled 05

untitled 06

untitled 07

untitled 08

photography by Richard Schemmerer

Missing Link

PDX Art "The missing link" by Richard Schemmerer

Bio -- morph

Bio -- morph
photography by Richard Schemmerer

"Windows to the mind" photography by Richard Schemmerer

PDX Art: "Windows into the mind" photography by Richard Schemmerer


PDX ART: "Perspective 02 " photography by Richard Schemmerer

we see the way we believe we see PDX ART: "Perspective 01 " photography by Richard Schemmerer

everything depends on your point of view "Only strangeness in sight" photography by Richard Schemmerer

everything has a story a background on which it plays itself out for us to be studied. What do we see when we see and how does it impact us are the essential questions this series of photo introspections is asking us to contemplate